long.. maybe boring? madre;S enjooy:**
by the way i don't know where this is heading
They stayed all night talking; he put his head on her lap lying down while she was playing with his hair.
"shaakooo!" she said.
"imbala gills admit it!" he replied.
"a9lan mino gal ina ana i like you 3ashan a9eer jealous. Ba3dain we're done with that salfa!"
"ok ok, at least i know what i feel towards you"
"whatt??" she asked eagerly.
"mmm mara7 agoolich, unless u admit that what you really feel" he smirked.
"hhhhhh saloom!"
"wai3 lat9eer hailigee! Shino 3yoona?!"
"haha 3ayal shagool?"
"amraay!" she said smiling widely.
"amraaaaayyyy ya a'3laa nasi!" he screamed.
"stop it" she replied shyly.
"shitsawooooon!" 3abdalla said loudly. Suleiman got up quickly and sat straight.
"umm wala shay" Suleiman says nervously. '3zlan giggles.
"okaii" 3abdalla replies. "oh Gills tara ur sleeping over"
"haw faja?" she asked.
"ee ur parents called 3thmanoo oo told him they are travelling"
"umm ok"
"yallaa gillss! Lets go sleep!" Reema called for her.
"kani yayaah" they both headed up to reemas room. Changed. Reema layed down and '3zlan sat straight up on the bed.
'3azi knocked on lamas room. No one answered. He slowly opened the door and it was dark. He headed to lamas bed.
"lamooya" he whispered. She opened her eyes saw who it was and turned around to give him her back. He chuckled and layed down next to her. "3ade i sleep 3indich ilyoum?" he continued whispering.
"igolon na3am!"
"ishtabeen?? Ga3da a7awil anam."
"ok" she said sadly. Reema sat straight up to face '3zlan.
"gills u ok?"
"i guess"
"ok promise u wont freak out"
"promissseee! Tell me!"
"ok soo i think I like saloom"
"laish tith7keen?"
"lana mama oo ur mom always said ud get married, 3abali 3indich salfaa!"
"shaakooo! A9lan he doesnt like me"
"hahaha tadren ish9ar fee lama makintay tkalmeena for weeks"
"hahaha kan miktiii2iib o kilshay"
"aww rayoom!"
"inzain laish tawich tistaw3ibain?"
"cuz ilyoum kina ga3deen oo he was venting, oo i was playing with his hair. Rayoom wala i have butterflies 6ool il wagt oo i7na ga3deen insolif. Wayd tara 5ash ibgalba."
"eee kamlay.." she said nudging her.
"oo bas?"
"kind of"
"kind of shino?"
"he said ina he likes me, kind of bas he didnt admit it; madree it sounded so exciting"
"ur soo cute crushing over my brother!"
"3adaaal intay, at least i7na mo ashkaraa mithlich oo il3thmy"
"shakoo! A9lan we dont have a "thing" going on"
"yeah yeah; bil bait its all about rayooma this rayooma that! A9lan u think imdawim here 3ashan saloom its all 7agich."
"hehe ur lying"
"weee gamat tisti7ii!"
"laa! Im not"
"ok tell ish9arr?"
"wala ma9ar shay; intaay telll wat happened!"
"ok he kind of gali he'll like carry me forever bas he changed the subject and.."
"he said like he wanted me to promise him i'll be by his side forever"
"oo? U promised?"
"awwww! Ur soo gay!"
"3aib ur only fourteen!"
"oo ur only thirteen! Kilna yahaloo oo we like guys!"
"oh well its not like yhey are random people"
"yeaah. Yala yala 5anam"
"im sleeping.... Shhh"
"ok u forgive me?"
"laish im sorry lamoya"
"laish u love 7amad more? Ana your sister"
"la i love you, marathanya azifa ohwa ok??"
"hhhh! '3z'3z i love youu" she turened around hugging him.
"i love you too." he hugged her back.
Then she slept in her brothers arms all happy that he loves her more.
At Suleimans room.
"ee shfeek?"
"shitfakir fee?"
"umm wala shay" he didnt want to say he was thinking about his sister.
"saloom shoof i know ur my frnd oo ba3ad the closest one bas tara ana i5te aham min ay a7ad sami3nee?"
"wana shakoo?" he knew what he meant but decided to act stupidly.
"latistahbil! Ilyoum kshitat feena 3ashanik oo ana mo3ajibne bas ba6awifha oo if you hurt her yawailik! Sima3t saloom?!"
Suleiman chuckled and said, "7ather il3am il3smy 3ala golat ma7moudo"
"kil 5araa"
"gaaam Zaain!"
"agool 3ad! Tara mo 7asbalik chakne ana! Kil il kalam ily gilta 7agik. 3ad hathe rayoom il'3alyaa fahiim!"
"hahaha oo min gal ana mal3ab ib banat il nass!"
"hahaaay oo int bit5aleene mathalan?" saloom asked.
"la 6ab3an" 3thman answered.
"ya 7ameer!" 3abdalla screamed opening the door.
"imsaween ga3da mata3zimmon?"
He brought a sleeping bag with 7amad who had his own sleeping bag.
"hahaha tifathaal 7ayak il3ubud" suleiman said.
"na6r 3azeemtik wiya wayhik, akeed batfathal." 3abdalla replied.
"3ayal wain '3azoi?" suleiman asked.
"wiya lama", 7amad answered.
"ok yalla 5anam yajima3aaa" Suleiman said. And they did.