Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Forth Day....

She washed up
She went to bed waiting for him
She wanted to tell him but didn't want to worry him
But couldn't hide anything from him

He came to bed

Him "7ayati shilee imlahee balich?"

Her *smiling at how he reads through her* "inta ya galbi"

Him "akeed? Akeed ana wala wa7id a7la mini?"

Her "ako wa7id a7la minik?"

Him "ee shaklich 7a6a 3ainich 3ala wa7id '3airi"

Her "wahaabbiii basik '3ashmara"

She pushed him slightly

Him "gadha"

Her "emm"

She held his hand and pulled him
He is now on top of her

Him "hala wala, hala ib shai5at I'll banat"

Her "wahaabii"

Him "wahaabii" *mimicking her voice*

Her "bas"

Him "ishfeech 7obi?"

Him "thayig 5ilgich"

Her "la its nothing"

Him "what's wrong?"

Her "baby mako shay"

Him "il7ilwla za3lana... Meen iratheeha ana aratheeha!"

Her"hahahahaha... Wahabiiii"

Him "golaay manyhadich ilyoum ila itha giltele"

Her "I don't want to worry you 7abebi"

Him "affa worry me 3ala shino, 3omri intay lama ashoofich chithee I get worried"

Her "ok"

He sat up and pulled her next to himHim "i7chay ya mara"

Her " its baba... Wayid ta3ban oo ana 5ayfa 3alai i9eer fe shay... Oo mayabe ay doctor"

Him "7ather"

Her "7ather shino?"

Him "3ugub bacher asafer oo inshalla arba3 tayam oo ikon 3indich ya 7ilwa"

Her "la7abebe ig3ad latroo7"

Him "tabeen chithe ag3ad oo 3ame yabe doctor"

Her "shift 3ashan chithe makint abe agoolik"

Him "lil2asf you can't resist me"

Her "a7ibik"

Him "7obe agwa min 7obich 9adgene"

Her "I know"

The day after has come
So did their days apart from each other
He told her after four days he is going to arrive at exactly 4:10

Those four days without him felt like four months
She prayed to god everyday to bring her husband back safely
They were hard days
As soon as the fourth day came

She thought
finally My Bad Days are Over
She woke up forty one minutes just before the arrival of the train
And there she waited

And waited


He didn't come

She calmed herself down

She didn't loose hope

She waited

So did he

He waited till he would heal
Just like any other man who loves his wife
He didn't want her to suffer with him

He wanted her happiness
She would be upset at anything that would hurt him
So him having an accident and being paralyzed will not help
He would pray day and night just to see her beautiful face

Her warming smile

But after forty one hours from his departure caused him his life

He wished he had never asked her what's wrong

Not because he got paralyzed but because he wanted to see her face everyday

He thought four days are nothing

But it caused him the next seven years
If only she knew he thought

After waiting several days Dina lost her soul
She felt like a ghost living
She took care of her father

She would wake up everyday just to see if he would come back

And be at the train station at 4:10 exactly

For four years she had the same routine
Then her father died

Her father died
Her husband died
And first of all she died

She was all alone in this world
She lived like this
All alone in a big mansion

With no one by her side
Every night
She would put her head on his pillow with the last shirt he wore
That's how she survived for the last seven years

Him "ha dictor agdar arid I'll deera?"

Dr. "Ee bas deer balik"

Him "7athreen"

He left on the first train the one that would arrive at 4:10

Knowing his wife he knew she would be there

Sitting on the chair she promised him that she'd wait on

there she was sitting

he didnt know whether to be happy

but he was glad to see his jewel once again


FMA said...

7abeebi maskeen:*
chan dag 3alaiha bs 6amanha, he made it worse for her and him:(

Anonymous said...

FIRST:D awal mara yaaaaaaaaay:D:D
u r simply amazing even ur writing is amazing;******

identity said...

awwwww cute! 7abiby 7aram keser 5a6ry:( loved the post! next post please!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this walla ur writing is amazing

Anonymous said...

waaaiiii i realllyyyy reealllllyy loved this thank you so much its made my daayy ;*


Red said...

OMG that was breath taking wallah MONNNWWWAAA shino hatha mashallah I loved it wallah o I loved the way u that u wrote every single detail mashallah that was fabulous keeep them coming please ;D

love u ;***

Anonymous said...


F;* said...

omg , thats whyy! thats the explination of the 7 years , omg mashalaa ! they both love eachother so much :( omg omg omg your like a creator! mashalaa ya3ni you've put it in a story , an amazing one ! i love you ya 7ilwa ;*

A Citizen of Earth said...

Aww... that's so sad! They're both waiting and heartbroken that they're not with the other. :(

I'll admit it makes more sense now. The ambiguity ahd cleared up a bit. I liked how you incorporated in the whole 'happy' phase, yet showed that love isn't beautiful days and restful nights later on in the post. To me, it added a sense of reality.

Bss why do I get the feeling that they aren't living here, but rather somewhere in Europe? ;D

Moral of the story: don't hide the horrors from your heart's possession, you'll only end up hurting them. (By now I think you've noticed that I like using alliteration...h..h..h..h :D)

Once again MASHALLA!!! Lazem agoolha willa a7is inni ba7sidich min doon 8a9d! ;D

A Citizen of Earth

Nawarii said...

this is so heartbreaking....

7araaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam :(

ALWAYS.BE:* said...

yyyyyyyyyyyy taksiiirr il kha6iirr;*


Touch My Soul said...

3ajeeeeeeeeeeeeeeb :)
mashallah ur very talented :)
bas the story is sad :(

Zaina said...

oh my god.

what is this?


heartbreaking ba3ad...

bas 7atan law, he shouldn't have stayed, she could've helped him... she lovessss him.. way ksarat kha6riiiiii

Monwa said...

N: ee.. he didnt think

G**: SECOND!!! intay il AMAZING!!

IDENTITY:love you!!!!!



Red:THANK YOUUUU!!!!!!!! intay il fabulos!!!!!

Anon: hehe;**

F;*HELLOOOOO!!!!! hehe a7rajtene! ishda3wa!!! thank you;****!!!!! I LOVE youuuuuu more!!!!

a7iiiibbbbb uuuurrrrr comments!!!!!
they are not living here, ib europe wiya a nice view
ya3ni a7ib il bar bas minak awnas
loool ee
7abibti thank you!

Nawarii!!!!! NAWARIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I MISS YOU!!!!
ee :'(

always be: intay amazing!!!

shushu: shookran!!
thank you!!!
ee :'(

aww 7abibti thnax!!!
men mayifhimon shinsawee