Tuesday, April 24, 2012

How it started... Yasmeena & Wahabi 1/3


"so what?"

"so tell me why did you pick me? Weren't you in love with this Dalal girl?"

"yeah but we broke things off"

"I know that, but why am I your rebound girl? And why did you propose right away? I thought you were the kind of guy who likes to "get to know the girl" right?"

"yes yasmeen, i was that guy but I heard a lot about you and I liked what I heard so I thought I would get to know you the official way around."

"and why are you so confident that I'll approve?
Do you think you'll buy me with you money or what? Let me tell you something if my dad is being nice to your father just because they're related and were in university together, that doesn't mean he'll approve of this marriage. And I will not allow a guy who slept around and did God knows what to be the father of my children"

"Yasmeen, 3ade you calm down shway?"

"la i wont abdulwahab! Inta a9lan ur 13 years older than me! What do you want from me?"

"yasmeen, ana asif. I'll call your father now oo anhiy ilmawthoo3; ana asif 76aitich ib hal mawqif"

"thank you abdulwahab" she said with relief.


Anonymous said...

An interesting start! Can't wait to read more!!

Red said...

:( I love her courage! I hope every girl could do this 3ashan matwahig 3omeerhaa ib zawaj fashil!
Thanks for writing I just love to read your stories ;*